People refer to “thyroid” as though it is a disease in and of itself, which is not the case at all. The thyroid is a tiny gland situated at the bottom of the neck and is shaped like a butterfly. It is a vital aspect of the endocrine system since it produces T3 as well as T4 hormones that enable the balance of your entire metabolic system that provides you with the energy you require in order to function on a daily basis. An over-functioning or under-functioning thyroid gland can both be troublesome and detrimental to your health.
Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid does not produce enough hormones, which can cause a loss in energy due to low metabolism. Hyperthyroidism is when your thyroid gland produces too many hormones which speed up your metabolism rate to an unusual degree. As a result of both of these malfunctions, diseases of the thyroid can cause symptoms such as extreme weight loss or weight gain, tachycardia or breathlessness due to an increased heart rate, or disruption of the menstrual cycle.
A problematic thyroid can cause heightened sensitivity to hot or cold environmental settings as well as an increased likelihood of developing major depressive disorder and anxiety. Another health issue that can be caused by a malfunctioning thyroid is hearing loss.
A number of diseases caused by malfunctioning thyroids are related to hearing loss. Grave’s disease is one such autoimmune disorder which can result in hyperthyroidism and hearing loss in high frequency range of sound. Pendred syndrome is a genetic disorder which results in an increased thyroid which can lead to progressive hearing loss in babies up to three years of age. Although Pendred syndrome has no known cure, a hearing care professional can help obtain timely treatment to diminish the progress of hearing impairment in certain people.
A hypothyroid disease known as Hashimoto’s disease can also lead to hearing loss and tinnitus. This disease appears to afflict women more often than men. This genetic disease can increase in severity when exposed to extreme quantities of iodine.
Medical professionals will often ask you to assess your thyroid functioning when you get yourself examined for a health issue. Keep your thyroid functioning at an optimal level to prevent hearing loss. Seek treatment for an over-functioning or under-functioning thyroid so that you can keep your hearing functioning at the optimal level.